Pastor Organizer for Rick Perry, GOP Politicians Wants Congress to 'Reestablish' the Bible in Public Schools

The chief organizer of so-called “pastor policy briefings” in support of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election bid in 2005 is now calling on Congress to enact legislation “reestablishing the Bible in public schools.” In an email to recipients on his American Renewal Project list today, David Lane calls for congressional legislation reversing the U.S. Supreme Court’s […]

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Religious Groups Call for an End to the Ban on Electioneering from the Pulpit

In what must thrill the hearts of zealots like David Barton who have spent their careers trying to drag houses of worship into partisan politics, the Washington Post reports: Even as polls show Americans broadly oppose electioneering from the pulpit, a new report by a group of faith leaders working closely with Capitol Hill argues for […]

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Into the Lion's Den: Minister Stands Against the Right's War on Women (w/video)

TFN Insider is pleased to present this guest post from Rev. Beth Ellen Cooper of Northwoods Unitarian Universalist Church in The Woodlands north of Houston. Rev. Cooper participated in TFN’s clergy gathering in March in support of women’s access to birth control and state funding for family planning. She blogs regularly for the Houston Chronicle at Keep the Faith. Rev. Cooper also […]

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David Barton Rewrites His Own History, Dan Patrick Doesn’t Seem to Notice

Following is even more proof that self-styled “historian” David Barton is little more than a propaganda artist: now he’s rewriting his own history. Yet Barton’s distorted versions of history are still getting traction on the political right, as Republican state Sen. Dan Patrick of Houston demonstrated last week. Let’s start with Barton. The president of […]

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Texas Sen. Dan Patrick Rejects Separation of Church and State

Texas state Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston, thinks he’s somehow qualified to tell local school districts and teachers what instructional materials they can use in their classrooms, but he doesn’t have a very good understanding of the basics of American constitutional freedoms. Speaking at the Mims Baptist Church in Conroe this past weekend, the Houston Press […]

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