2015 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery II

On this last day of our annual review of the most outrageous things we heard from the right over the past 12 months, here is our final installment of Potluck Nuttery. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard from the right in 2015.) “The Left hates the Duggars because they have standards – even if they fall […]

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2015 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery I

As we wind down our annual review of the most outrageous things we heard from the right over the past 12 months, the remaining quotes fall into our Potluck Nuttery category. We will have a second round of Potluck Nuttery tomorrow. (Click here for previous posts on what we heard from the right in 2015.) “We had […]

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Right-wingers Head to Austin This Weekend

Right-wing activists will get their rage on at the Conservative Texans Political Action Conference (CTxPAC) this weekend in Austin. No surprise: it looks like anti-government, religious-right radicalism will dominate the confab. Sponsored by the Austin-based organization New Revolution Now, the event will feature speakers from Liberty Institute (the Focus on the Family affiliate in Texas), […]

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Berman’s Portable Goal Posts

Say what you will about Texas state Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler, you have to give the man credit for becoming a master at moving the goal posts. Unless you were nowhere near a TV or computer on Wednesday, you missed the big dose of widely verified reality the White House dropped on the world when […]

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‘Black Storm’: FDR, Obama = Hitler, Stalin

It’s getting harder and harder to feel shocked at the extremism emanating from right-wing groups in American politics. But a bizarre, ham-handed and paranoid press release today from a Houston-based group called Patriot PAC should be shocking. The press release touts “Operation Black Storm,” which supports the candidacy of 15 African-American Republicans for Congress. (Seriously? […]

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