Blogging the Social Studies Debate VI

3:10 – The state board is resuming its debate on the standards and is taking up the psychology standards. It’s unclear how controversial this course might be. 3:19 – Not controversial, apparently. No amendments for psychology, so on to sociology. Cynthia Dunbar Barbara Cargill moves to add Robert Nisbet to a list of sociologists students […]

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Blogging the Social Studies Debate V

12:55 – The board just voted for an amendment by Cynthia Dunbar that students learn that “the laws of nature and nature’s God” be included in a list of political ideas in history that influenced the writing of the Constitution and other founding documents. 1:02 – Now Dunbar moves to replace “democratic republic” to “constitutional […]

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SBOE Rejects Religious Freedom in Standards

Today the Texas State Board of Education voted to reject an amendment to social studies curriculum standards that would require students to learn that the nation’s Founders “protected religious freedom by barring government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion over all others.” The party-line vote — 10 Republicans against and 5 Democrats in favor […]

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Blogging the Social Studies Debate IV

9:20 – The State Board of Education will resume debate and amending proposed new social studies curriculum standards for Texas public schools this morning. Board members are getting a short lesson on parliamentary procedure right now. 9:27 – The board is taking up remaining amendments on the high school world history course. 9:30 – Board […]

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Blogging the Social Studies Debate III

6:07 – The board will pick up where it left off in January — with high school social studies courses. Chairwoman Gail Lowe explains that the board wants to finish the high school courses this evening and then consider new amendments to other courses discussed in January. 6:11 – The board is beginning with the […]

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