We thought TFN Insider readers in the Austin area might be interested to know that the Human Rights Campaign and Equality Texas will screen a Sundance award-winning film that explores the intersection of faith and LGBT rights and lives next month in Austin. The film, “Love Free or Die,” is about Bishop Gene Robinson, the […]
In the last decade, the fight for LGBTQIA+ equality has made incredible progress. Marriage equality is now the law of the land and workplace discrimination on the basis of sex includes protections for gender identity and sexual orientation. However, the fight for true LGBTQIA+ equality is far from over. Texas still has no statewide law protecting LGBTQIA+ people from discrimination meaning people can be denied a place to live or refused service at a business simply because of who they are or whom they love.
Today, far-right extremists and politicians continue their attacks on LGBTQIA+ Texans, especially transgender children and adults. Their hate is loud. But our love is louder.
We at TFN will fight for the LGBTQIA+ community at every turn, because our vision is a Texas that’s truly for all.
2012 in Quotes: Bashing Gays
Our review of what we heard from the far right in 2012 includes the requisite ignorance, intolerance and verbal gay-bashing that’s still so prevalent in those quarters. You can read more quotes from 2012 and previous years here. “We don’t think that there are any such students.” — Dr. Michael Farris, Patrick Henry College’s founder […]
The End of the World as They Know It?
A Concerned Women for America fundraising email today includes this lament: “Recently 133 same-sex couples married in Washington State at Seattle’s City Hall. That number is growing, and will continue to grow, as states around our great nation turn away from Biblical morality and marriage as God created and intended: one man, one woman, no […]
Punishing People for Whom They Love
Efforts by religious-righters — like the extremists over at Focus on the Family-Texas Free Market Foundation Liberty Institute Texas Values — to bully the Pflugerville school district just outside Austin are revealing. They want the district to drop its new policy giving domestic partners of employees access to health insurance benefits (with premiums paid by […]
Religious-Righters Howl Over Benefits for Domestic Partners in Austin-Area School District
UPDATE: The Pflugerville ISD Board of Trustees refused Thursday night to rescind a new policy providing access to health insurance benefits for unmarried domestic partners of district employees. After hearing public testimony, the board voted 5-1 to uphold the policy. It goes into effect on January 1. From an Austin American-Statesman report: “We’ve worked really […]