Houston ERO Opponent: 'We Can't Let the Devil Do What He Wants'

The vote on the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance is scheduled to take place in Houston City Council chambers some time today. The ERO would simply prohibit discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, gender, religion, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and a number of other protected characteristics . But from the moment […]

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RR Leader: Religious Freedom Applies Only to Anti-Gay Christians

Religious-righters claim that barring discrimination against LGBT people violates their religious freedom to, well, discriminate against people they don’t like. Now Tony Perkins, head of the national organization Family Research Council (FRC), is arguing that Christians who support LGBT equality don’t deserve religious freedom themselves. The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated Perkins’ FRC as an anti-gay hate group. Speaking on the […]

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About Judge John Jones: Standing Up for Science AND Marriage Equality

Guess who’s not getting an invite to the religious right’s Values Voter Summit or to CPAC (Conservative Political Action Conference). U.S. District Court Judge John Jones III, that’s who. Earlier today Jones ruled the Pennsylvania same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional and, unlike in some other states, the ruling was not stayed. That means gay and lesbian […]

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Report: Equal Rights Opponents Sink to New Lows in Houston

If you’re not following Houston attorney Kris Banks on Twitter, you missed a fascinating, firsthand account from the religious-right rally against the proposed Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) this evening (Sunday, May 18). The proposed HERO would bar discrimination in employment, housing and public accommodations based on race, gender, religion, military status, sexual orientation, gender identity and a […]

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