From today’s TFN News Clips: “Do you want a Texas version of San Francisco? Neither do we! Do you want Texas to be the abortion capital of America? Neither do we!” — David Grisham of Amarillo, on a Web site that urges people to boycott Houston because the city’s residents elected a gay mayor and Planned […]
LGBT issues
The Year in Quotes: Targeting Gay People
The religious right’s relentless demonization of gay and lesbian Americans got only worse in 2009. More quotes from the past year: “We believe to have ‘fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness’ for the sake of political expediency, or any other reason for that matter, is to offend a holy God, from whom the blessings […]
The Religious Right in Houston: FAIL
The religious right once again thought a campaign of fear and bigotry would work. Tens of thousands of dollars funded attack mailers sent out to Houston voters. The same voters heard dark warnings about gays taking over their city’s government. Families and children, they were told, were in danger. It was, in short, a classic […]
Troubling Turn in Houston Mayor’s Race
We told you that a group of anti-gay extremists has launched a coordinated attack campaign against Annise Parker, an openly gay candidate in Houston’s mayoral runoff on Dec. 12. Now the Houston Chronicle is reporting that the finance chairman and a finance committee member for Parker’s opponent, Gene Locke, may have helped bankroll those attacks from the […]
Bigotry and Politics in Houston
With Houston’s Dec. 12 mayoral runoff election just a little over a week away, the far-right Houston Area Pastor Council is intensifying its vicious anti-gay campaign against one of the candidates. The group’s leader, Dave Welch, has joined with other religious-righters in a coordinated attack on mayoral candidate Annise Parker — currently the city’s controller — because […]