Religious-right activists can’t be a happy lot today. The week started with the U.S. Senate voting Monday to short-circuit attempts to filibuster the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA), which would protect LGBT people from job discrimination. A Senate vote to pass ENDA is expected this week. Rick Scarborough of Texas-based Vision America denounced the Senate’s vote […]
LGBT issues
Clear Sign of Election Around the Corner: Houston Religious-Right Group Trots Out Anti-Gay Hysteria
The Houston Area Pastor Council — one version of essentially the same group (along with the Texas Pastor Council and U.S. Pastor Council) headed by Houston hate-meisterĀ Dave Welch — is rallying his troops again as an election day nears. But it’s fair to ask whether the nakedly anti-gay hysteria Welch promotes is fading as an […]
Texas Religious-Right Legal Group Signs on to Represent Football Analyst Dumped Over Anti-Gay Comments
Liberty Institute, a viciously anti-gay religious-right litigation group based in Plano near Dallas, announced today that it will represent a college football analyst who was dumped by Fox Sports for anti-gay comments he made when running for a U.S. Senate seat from Texas in 2012. In an email to his group’s supporters this afternoon, Liberty […]
Equality Defeats Fear and Hate: San Antonio Passes Nondiscrimination Ordinance
This afternoon a strong majority on the San Antonio City Council voted to add protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) persons as well as military veterans to the city’s policiesĀ barring discrimination in employment for public workers and city contractors. The policy also provides protections in housing and public accommodations. The new ordinance expands […]
PolitiFact to Religious-Right Group Texas Values: FALSE
The debate over the proposed nondiscrimination ordinance in San Antonio appears headed to a possible conclusion when the city council votes on Thursday. As expected, the religious right has engaged in a great deal of misinformation and fear mongering during the debate, either at public hearings, in the press, via social media or through Ken […]