The Lies They Tell

The backlash from business and civil liberties advocates over North Carolina’s new law encouraging discrimination against LGBT people is getting bigger and hotter. So religious-right groups are focusing their efforts in support of the law on the same dishonest and disgusting argument they used to defeat the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance — that barring discrimination against transgender people endangers women […]

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Texas Religious-Right Group’s Ridiculous Rant: Mickey Mouse Is Coming for Your Crosses

This is just plain Goofy. After Georgia Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto on Monday of a bill that would have encouraged individuals and businesses to use religion as cover to discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, a Dopey religious-right group in Texas is warning that Disney could soon ban Christian crosses from its theme parks. Here’s an excerpt from the […]

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Woodfill Announces Bid for Texas GOP Chair at Anti-LGBT Hate Fest in Houston

We told you last week about Jared Woodfill’s coming bid for chair of the Texas Republican Party. He made the official announcement at an event hosted by Houston hate-monger Steve Hotze’s Conservative Republicans of Texas organization. The anti-LGBT rhetoric at the event was so vile that it appeared to make some of the folks even in that audience […]

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