Anti-Evolution Group Pitches a Hissy Fit When a Newspaper Reports the Truth

The Texas Freedom Network’s defense of sound science education was featured this weekend in a New York Times piece about the State Board of Education’s adoption of new biology textbooks — and, no surprise, anti-science pressure groups are hopping mad about it. Check out this rant from the Discovery Institute, the Seattle-based organization that promotes the […]

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Anti-Evolution Fanatics Fail at the Ballot Box, Turn to the Courts

The evolution wars aren’t just a Texas phenomenon. On Thursday a group called Citizens for Objective Public Education filed a federal lawsuit to block Kansas from using multistate curriculum standards that treat evolution as established, mainstream science. From an Associated Press article: The lawsuit argues that the new standards will cause Kansas public schools to […]

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Don McLeroy Responds

Don McLeroy, the arch-creationist former chairman of the State Board of Education, is displeased over how some folks have interpreted his public hearing testimony last week about proposed new biology textbooks for Texas high schools. Here’s how the San Antonio Current describes his testimony in a story published online today: While McLeroy described some of the evolution […]

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SMU Prof Tears Apart Official Texas Review of Leading Biology Textbook

Anti-evolution activists have been alarmingly influential in the state’s official review process for proposed high school biology textbooks in Texas, but truly qualified reviewers have also been part of the process. One of the best examples of the latter is Ron Wetherington, an evolutionary anthropologist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. Wetherington is not just a […]

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TFN in the News … A LOT

TFN has been in the news in bunches during the past few weeks due to our #StandUp4Science campaign and related efforts. Below you’ll find those press hits. Excuse us if we’ve missed a few, we’ll be adding more as we come across them. Plus, we expect some new ones will be published soon. And don’t […]

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