Anti-Straus Activist in Texas Worries about Maintaining ‘Traditional American Demographic Status Quo’

When right-wing activist Peter Morrison promoted (unsuccessful) efforts to have state Rep. Joe Straus, R-San Antonio, removed as speaker of the Texas House in late 2010 and early 2011, he noted that other speaker candidates were “Christians and true conservatives.” Straus is Jewish, which Morrison made sure readers of his anti-Straus emails knew. Morrison, who […]

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Texas Anti-Immigration Group Promotes Videos Targeting Muslims, Mexicans

We’ve been reading news of an audio recording of controversial Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio joking before a Texas anti-immigration group in 2009 about his refusal to cooperate in a federal investigation into racial profiling. Just as troubling as Arpaio’s 2009 speech to the group, however, might be the group he was speaking to: Texans For […]

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An Anti-Immigrant Group’s ‘Biblical Mandates’

The Texas Freedom Network does not work on immigration issues. But we do monitor the deepening extremism — both in rhetoric and action — on the far right in Texas. So let’s take a closer look at an anti-immigrant group behind a Texas Capitol rally during which a speaker expressed her frustration over the fact […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “If you want to know why we can’t pass legislation in Texas, it’s because we have 37, no 36, Hispanics in the Legislature. All of the states that have passed legislation have a handful and I mean literally, some of them have NO Hispanic legislators, well, maybe 3 or 5 […]

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Haters Gotta Hate

How did we miss this? In an open letter to his fellow Republicans last December, Texas GOP king-maker — and anti-gay, religious right zealot — Steve Hotze lays out an argument for why his party should refrain from demonizing Latinos — basically because “Hispanic culture in America is Christian, pro-family, pro-life” and (by the way) […]

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