Ad Calls Out Anti-LGBT Discrimination in TX; Abbott Shrugs

You might have seen this ad by Empire State Development, which is New York’s economic development agency. The intent of the ad is to lure business to set up shop in the state of New York. At roughly 50 seconds in, headlines float onto the screen, including one that says Gov. Greg Abbott is OK […]

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It’s Past Time to End the Silence about Your Offensive ‘Blood Brother,’ Gov. Abbott

Ted Nugent, the aging right-wing rocker who prominently campaigned with Greg Abbott and calls the Texas governor a “blood brother,” is getting a heap of criticism for a vicious Facebook post on Monday. Nugent’s post, which includes an image apparently used on anti-Semitic websites, calls prominent Jewish Americans “punks” and claims that they “hate freedom” because they support gun safety laws. Nugent’s post includes […]

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Indictments of Anti-Abortion Activists Send Cynical Texas Politicians into a Facts-Free Frenzy

Texas state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is foot-stomping mad that a Harris County grand jury has handed down indictments against two anti-abortion activists who helped make doctored videos attacking Planned Parenthood. The same grand jury essentially cleared Planned Parenthood of outrageous charges that the organization was illegally selling tissues from aborted fetuses. Rep. Zedlers used Twitter in […]

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Unhinged Hate from Texas Gov. Abbott’s ‘Blood Brother’ Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent, the aging right-wing rocker who prominently campaigned with Greg Abbott and calls the Texas governor a “blood brother,” today launched into an especially vicious and seemingly unhinged attack on President Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. On his Facebook page, Nugent called for Obama and Clinton to be “tried for treason & hung.” An excerpt: Our unholy rotten soulless criminal […]

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