Live Blogging from the Texas Science Hearing

12:25 – Our press conference ran long, and we were late getting into the hearing. Unfortunately, State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy has rejected a request for a table for us in the board room (as at the last two board meetings). We’re told that’s “too distracting” for board members, although we set up […]

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Texas Science Debate Grabs Attention

Newspapers both inside Texas are focusing attention on this week’s showdown over science education in Texas. The San Antonio Express-News, for example, offers dueling op-eds here and here. The Dallas Morning News does the same here and here. The Washington Post also weighs in here. Money quote: It’s disturbing enough that the Texas board of education […]

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McLeroy on Science and the Supernatural

As the Texas State Board of Education nears a final vote on new public school science curriculum standards, board chairman Don McLeroy, R-Bryan, is arguing once again that science classes should include supernatural explanations. In a new op-ed from the Austin American-Statesman, McLeroy — a creationist who believes Earth is less than 10,000 years old […]

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The Showdown over Science in Texas

After more than a year of work and often bitter debate, the State Board of Education is set this week to decide what the next generation of Texas students will learn in their public school science classrooms. Media outlets across the country (including the New York Times here and here, the Wall Street Journal today […]

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More on That McLeroy Book Endorsement

It was stunning, of course, to see that Texas State Board of Education chairman Don McLeroy, R-Bryan, endorsed a truly kooky and insulting book that attacks the faith of people who accept the science of evolution and calls parents “monsters” and pastors “morons” if they want to teach kids about that key scientific concept. But here’s […]

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