Bill Nye the Science Guy has gone viral with a new web video that simply must be shared with TFN Insider readers. In the vid, Nye makes an appeal to the grownups: And I say to the grownups, if you want to deny evolution and live in your world, in your world that’s completely inconsistent […]
Down Memory Lane
Today is the one year anniversary of Gov. Rick Perry’s Presidential Campaign vs. Science. […]
Fischer Blames Colorado Shootings on Teaching Evolution, Ending State-Sponsored School Prayer
Bryan Fischer, a spokesman for a hate group that Texas Gov. Rick Perry asked to help organize his prayer extravaganza in Houston last August, is blaming the horrific Colorado theater shootings last week on teaching students about evolution. Raw Story reports what Fischer, the director of issues analysis for the American Family Association, said on […]
Another Reason Private School Vouchers Are a Really, Really Bad Idea
Because private school vouchers will force taxpayers to fund this kind of nonsense: Thousands of American school pupils are to be taught that the Loch Ness monster is real – in an attempt by religious teachers to disprove Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution. Pupils attending privately-run Christian schools in the southern state of Louisiana will […]
Texas Ed Board Candidate Advocates Teaching Creationism in Science Classrooms
One of the Republican candidates for the Texas State Board of Education District 15 seat, Marty Rowley of Amarillo, is offering one of his clearest arguments for teaching “intelligent design”/creationism in science classrooms. Rowley talked to the Amarillo Globe-News for a story about next year’s scheduled adoption of science textbooks by the state board: “Evolutionists […]