What a Paine That Might Have Been…

This month’s Texas State Board of Education meeting featured many examples of how poorly informed some board members really are. Over a two-day period, the board picked apart a proposed draft of new social studies curriculum standards that teachers, scholars and other community members had spent a year researching, discussing and debating. Often the amendments […]

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David Barton Gets Defensive — and Vicious

David Barton, the self-styled historian appointed by the Texas State Board of Education to a panel of curriculum “experts,” is angry with the Texas Freedom Network. In an e-mail to far-right activists last week, the founder of WallBuilders (a Christian-right organization that opposes separation of church and state) brands TFN as a member of the […]

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SBOE Elections: Far Right Targets Bob Craig

With the filing period now closed, it’s clear that the religious right is targeting another traditional Republican for defeat on the Texas State Board of Education. District 15 board incumbent Bob Craig, R-Lubbock, will be challenged in a March GOP primary that could further strengthen the far right’s control of the board. Craig’s primary opponent […]

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The Year in Quotes: Potluck Nuttiness

We heard nuttiness in many forms throughout 2009, including the Texas governor flirting with secessionists and the lieutenant governor criticizing the president of the United States for winning the Nobel Peace Prize. And there was plenty of downright hatefulness. More quotes from 2009: “There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to […]

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The Year in Quotes: Sex Education

Today let’s review some memorable quotes from this year on sex education. Check out previous The Year in Quotes posts here and here. “Men sexually are like microwaves and women are like crockpots.” “If a woman is dry, the sperm will die. If a woman is wet, a baby she will get!” “You know people […]

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