The Far Right’s ‘Big Lie’

One of the major goals of the “big lie” tactic is to so discredit an opponent that his or her argument on an issue — no matter how reasonable and sound — has no chance of breaking through the rage of the self-righteous, intolerant and poorly informed. The debate over curriculum standards in public schools has […]

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The Federal Reserve and the Bible

Perhaps others were just as puzzled as we were when the religious-right bloc on the Texas State Board of Education went after the Federal Reserve System earlier this month. At the board’s March 11 meeting, Barbara Cargill, R-The Woodlands, proposed the following standard for revised curriculum standards for high school economics: “(A)nalyze the decline in value […]

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Change the SBOE: ‘Just Educate’ Campaign

Don’t forget to sign on to Just Educate, a campaign to reform the Texas State Board of Education. (You can also sign on to the campaign’s Facebook page here.) And tell your friends and family who care about ensuring that Texas students get a quality public education. Why is this campaign so important? Last year the […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “Disagreeing about history is OK in a free society. Whether you think the greatest-ever American is Reagan, or Jesus, just keep it civil.” — Comment on a Twitter site devoted to lampooning the Texas State Board of Education. Stay informed with TFN News Clips, a daily digest of news about politics […]

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Blacklisting Texas Textbooks

And so it begins. It was only a matter of time before concerned citizens in other states began launching efforts to stop their public schools from buying textbooks written by publishers to meet the increasingly politicized curriculum standards adopted by the State Board of Education in Texas. Jim Broadway, publisher of the State School News […]

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