2013 in Quotes: The War on Science

With 2013 winding down, it’s  time for our annual review of what we heard from the far right over the past year. We’ll roll those out over the next week or so. Today we review some of the most outrageous things we heard as the right’s war on science and science education rambled on, especially […]

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BNTSG at TFN’s EPIC Evening

Here it is, the entire Bill Nye the Science Guy speech at this year’s TFN’s EPIC Evening. Bill was in Austin to help us celebrate the DarWIN for science and to accept TFN’s Stand Up for Science award. Bill was supposed to speak for 20 minutes. He went on for almost an hour. No one […]

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GOP Candidates for Texas Lieutenant Governor Advocate Teaching Creationism in Public Schools

During a debate in Waco on Thursday, candidates for the Republican nomination for Texas lieutenant governor said they support teaching biblical creationism in the state’s public schools. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that teaching creationism in public school science classrooms violates the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. Incumbent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst and two […]

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Creationist 'Think Tank' Declares Defeat in Texas Textbook Battle — Days Before the State Board Even Votes

On Tuesday morning, the Seattle-based Discovery Institute mourned the failure to undermine the teaching of evolution in new science textbooks for Texas public schools. But that declaration of defeat actually has come days before the State Board of Education‘s scheduled final vote Friday on whether to adopt those new textbooks. We’re not ready to declare the fight […]

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Pastor Organizer for Rick Perry, GOP Politicians Wants Congress to 'Reestablish' the Bible in Public Schools

The chief organizer of so-called “pastor policy briefings” in support of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election bid in 2005 is now calling on Congress to enact legislation “reestablishing the Bible in public schools.” In an email to recipients on his American Renewal Project list today, David Lane calls for congressional legislation reversing the U.S. Supreme Court’s […]

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