Texas RR Leader Smears Activists as 'Stinky Stalking Feminists' and 'Feminazis'

In case you didn’t see them in our previous post, check out these sneering tweets this afternoon from Texas Eagle Forum President Cathie Adams. Adams is referring to the orange-clad activists who have swarmed the Texas Capitol over the past two days in opposition to legislation interfering in the private medical decisions women make about […]

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Right-Wing Smears and Ignorance Highlight Abortion Fight at Texas Capitol

As the Texas House of Representatives considered extreme anti-abortion legislation on Sunday, orange-clad opponents packed the House gallery and Capitol rotunda to demand that politicians stay out of women’s private medical decisions. They far outnumbered blue-wearing anti-abortion activists at the Capitol, a fact that bothered state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Houston, one of the Legislature’s most […]

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From the Annals of Chutzpah: State Rep. Debbie Riddle Plays the Role of Champion for 'Poor Families of Texas'

State Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, made herself sound like a champion for the poor during Thursday’s debate in the Texas House over a measure barring public funds for private school vouchers. (The measure passed overwhelmingly.) She wanted to know why opponents of private school vouchers weren’t considering “the poor families of Texas” who can’t afford […]

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Debbie Riddle Has An Idea

Social conservatives have long pointed to the constitutional bar on government-sponsored prayer in public schools as the source of many of society’s ills. Just last week, when a gunman opened fire in a crowded movie theater, some trotted out the “If only we had prayer in schools” argument as a solution for preventing such tragedies. […]

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Getting the Public Out of Education

The step from demagoguery to enacting real policy change can be remarkably short, and a prime example of this is on full display in Texas right now. In 2003 state Rep. Debbie Riddle, R-Tomball, had this to say about the state’s obligation to provide public education for its citizens: “Where did this idea come from […]

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