Will Young Evangelicals End the Religious Right's Obsession with the Culture Wars and Partisan Politics?

The Wall Street Journal this week published a fascinating piece about how conservative evangelical Christianity is changing in America today, particularly in its approach to politics and the decades-long “culture wars” over issues like abortion and gay rights. The article focuses on Russell Moore, who has replaced Richard Land as the leading spokesman for the […]

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Pastor Organizer for Rick Perry, GOP Politicians Wants Congress to 'Reestablish' the Bible in Public Schools

The chief organizer of so-called “pastor policy briefings” in support of Texas Gov. Rick Perry’s re-election bid in 2005 is now calling on Congress to enact legislation “reestablishing the Bible in public schools.” In an email to recipients on his American Renewal Project list today, David Lane calls for congressional legislation reversing the U.S. Supreme Court’s […]

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Renewal Projects: Copy, Paste, Repeat

The people behind religious-right activist David Lane’s Restoration/Renewal Projects are getting plain lazy to the point where they’re just hitting “copy-paste” on old material and distributing it in support of yet another Rick Perry political campaign. The Iowa Independent reports members of the Iowa faith community recently received invitations from the Iowa Renewal Project to […]

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Coordinated Anti-Mormonism?

Mormonism, or the attacks on it, is in the news again this morning following a story in The Daily Beast that cites emails between a Christian radio executive and well-known religious-right activist David Lane. The emails between Lane and Dick Bott of the Bott Radio Network seem to indicate the two were in cahoots to […]

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