Barton Turns Up the Volume

The religious right’s minister of propaganda, David Barton of the Texas-based group WallBuilders, is helping turn up the volume in the right’s anti-Muslim campaign. Barton’s Internet radio program this week features two shows on the controversy over a proposed Islamic community center near 9/11’s Ground Zero in New York. Expect both shows to be virulently […]

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Beck’s ‘Black Robe Regiment’

Fox News talk show host Glenn Beck has clearly climbed aboard the religious right’s campaign to organize fundamentalist clergy in support of its political agenda. After talking to Texan and pseudo-historian David Barton, Beck announced at his recent Restoring Honor rally in Washington the formation of the so-called “Black Robe Regiment.” The name, Barton told […]

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Barton and Civil Rights

In TFN’s 2006 report The Anatomy of Power: The Religious Right and Political Power, we took a hard look at the career of pseudo-scholar David Barton and his efforts to provide a historical justification for making religion the basis for government policy.  Our conclusion: His main accomplishment (has been) to provide a bridge between the […]

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Barton and Beck: An Uncivil Union

In the latest step cementing (sanctifying?) his relationship with Fox News commentator Glenn Beck, pseudo-religious scholar/phony historian David Barton has declared in prayer that Beck’s August 28 “Restore Honor Rally” at the Lincoln Memorial in our nation’s capital is divinely inspired. (Civil rights leaders don’t see it that way — they are particularly upset that […]

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Barton: Beck a Good Christian, But Not Dems

When it comes to examples of extremists using faith as a political weapon to divide Americans, one can hardly beat David Barton. The right-wing phony historian who calls separation of church and state a “myth” decided this week to explain why fundamentalist Christians shouldn’t be upset that he has been collaborating with his Fox News […]

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