
Violent weather and flooding have killed at least nine Texans since Friday. This month the Texas Supreme Court criticized the state’s broken and inequitable system for funding public schools but didn’t require the Legislature to change it. The state’s shockingly dysfunctional Child Protective Services is failing abused and neglected children. And the state’s attorney general is under indictment […]

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Patrick Calls Transgender Student Rights Debate a ‘Come and Take It Moment’

This morning the U.S. Department of Education issued a letter to public school districts across the country advising them that federal law requires them to protect transgender students from discrimination and allow them to use bathrooms and locker rooms “consistent with their gender identity.” Naturally, Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, who has been on potty patrol every […]

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It’s hard to imagine a more disgraceful demonstration of ignorance, fear-mongering and bullying. That’s what we’re seeing as one of the state’s highest elected officials joins with religious-right groups in demanding that the Fort Worth Independent School District rescind a policy allowing transgender students to use the restroom in peace. […]

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Breaking News: Harris County Grand Jury Indicts Makers of Anti-Planned Parenthood Videos

The religious right’s vicious and deceitful attack on Planned Parenthood — part of a long war on abortion and other other reproductive health care services for women — appears to be backfiring in a big way. Last year anti-abortion activists released a number of deceptively edited, undercover videos that suggested Planned Parenthood was illegally selling tissue from aborted fetuses. Religious-righters and their […]

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