CNN's Piers Morgan Calls Texas Gun Extremist's Rant 'Terrifying,' 'Deluded'

Just how bizarre was Texas radio commentator Alex Jones’ wild-eyed gun rant on Piers Morgan’s CNN program on Monday? Speaking on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, Morgan himself called the tirade “startling,” “terrifying” and “completely deluded”: “I can’t think of a better advertisement for gun control than Alex Jones’ interview last night. It was startling, it was […]

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Texas Right-wing Conspiracy Theorist Alex Jones Goes into Full Meltdown on CNN

Need more evidence that Texas has become a prime breeding ground for the whack-a-doodle rightist fringe? Exhibit 492 (but who’s counting?): Austin-based radio commentator and right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, exploding in mouth-foaming rage on Piers Morgan’s CNN program Monday. Jones talked about his support for a petition to deport Morgan, who has enraged pro-gun […]

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Texans David Barton, Alex Jones Make SPLC’s Watch List of Leading Radical-Righters

Two Texans are on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s new watch list of 30 influential radical-right leaders and activists in America today: history revisionist and “Christian nation” advocate David Barton of WallBuilders and conspiracy theorist and Patriot movement screamer Alex Jones of Austin. Barton and Jones have truly infamous companions on the SPLC’s list, including: […]

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