While We Wait …

On Facebook Sunday afternoon, state Rep. Molly White, R-Belton, wrote that some time today she would publish a “response to the controversy that occurred” when she offered comments about Muslims in an earlier Facebook post. While we wait for her to do that, here’s Rep. White struggling to explain her comments in an interview with […]

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Proposed Texas Constitutional Amendments: Misusing Religion to Harm Others

Beware of politicians who propose legislation to protect religious freedom. It’s very important to read the fine print. Freedom of religion is one of our most fundamental rights as Americans. That’s why it is protected in the Texas and federal constitutions and why in 1999 a bipartisan majority in the Texas Legislature passed and a Republican […]

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Rep. Zedler, Poland Would Like a Word with You

Far-right state Rep. Bill Zedler, R-Arlington, is in the news again, this time for filing HB 829, a bill that would require Texas high schoolers to pass a civics test if they wish to graduate. As he told the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Zedler is concerned that teens “don’t know where we got our independence from” […]

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Parade of Gun Fanatics at the Texas Capitol

Post by Kory Watkins. This appalling and incredibly offensive video is from the office of Texas state Rep. Poncho Nevárez earlier today, the opening day of the 2015 legislative session in Austin. Issues involving the Second Amendment and gun safety laws aren’t in the Texas Freedom Network’s issue set. But we oppose right-wing fanaticism, including the petulant, […]

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2015 Texas Lege: Contender for Most Ridiculous Bill of the Session

A Texas legislator who opposes same-sex marriage has a message for federal courts and gay people: “Screw you.” The U.S. Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals is set to consider on Friday a case that could overturn the ban on same-sex marriage in Texas. But state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia, wants Texas to ignore a ruling that the ban violates the U.S. Constitution. […]

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