Texas Senate OKs Anti-Bullying Bill

The Texas Senate today passed House Bill 1942 unanimously, yet another step toward protecting children from bullying in the state’s public schools. Because a Senate committee made a technical change to the bill, the bill must go back to the House for approval before heading to Gov. Rick Perry for his signature.

The Texas Freedom Network strongly supports passage of HB 1942. Religious-right groups oppose the bill, claiming that it will promote homosexuality. Texas Eagle Forum has even bizarrely argued that the bill isn’t necessary because, the group claims, gay and lesbian students aren’t bullied as much as other students are for reasons other than their actual or perceived sexual orientation. The bill, which doesn’t mention sexual orientation, would require public school districts to adopt policies designed to prevent, investigate and report bullying that targets any student.

TFN Insider will keep you updated on the progress of HB 1942 when it gets back to the House.

One thought on “Texas Senate OKs Anti-Bullying Bill

  1. The Religious Right knows that at least one insane and out-of-control person is present in every 1000 people. They are hoping that this misfit kid will rough up some gay kid at school, and the horror of it all will scare all of the other gay kids into going straight. If you are going to play the gay card, as if no people but gay people are ever bullied, I can see no other purpose in opposing a law against bullying.

    Okay. I will just come out and say it because the logic makes it obvious. The Religious Right is in favor of violence in our public schools.

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