SBOE Candidate: Dorothy Olmos

Because of redistricting, all 15 seats on the Texas State Board of Education will be up for grabs in the November 2012 elections. The results of those elections will determine whether the religious right’s corrosive influence over public education will weaken or grow as the board considers what the next generation of public school students in Texas will learn about sex education, social studies, science and other subjects. We plan to publish on TFN Insider candidate announcements for a seat on the SBOE. We will publish announcements in no particular order, and their publication does not constitute any sort of endorsement by TFN. We will redact requests for contributions or mentions of fundraising events from the announcements, but we will provide links to the candidates’ websites (if available).

Dorothy Olmos, District 4, R-Houston
(Current District 4 Board Member: Lawrence Allen, D-Fresno)

Dorothy Olmos is running as the Republican candidate for the SBOE in District 4. According to her website, Olmos owns a small business and is a native of Houston.

As a native Houstonian of 51 yrs. in the East End Magnolia Park, near the turning basin of the Ship Channel, a business owner, a mother and a grandmother, I have shared vision, complied with commitments, and have upheld family values to my children and community. My dedication to my children, has led them to be successful individuals within society. Abel Bryan Salazar, succeeded in his military career as Chief Warrant Commissioner II. Meanwhile my other three children are pursuing College degrees in other fields of study.

Through years of Service and commitment to the community where I was raised, my family and I established leadership roles in the community. Let me begin with my mother, the late Mrs. Amalia G. Olmos; a park director, educator and community activist for women issues. My father, the late Adalberto B. Olmos, a dedicated grass root political strategist and former Pct chair for over 30 years, founder of many organizations and a retired City of Houston employee and business owner, led the community in political awareness, supported and empowered individuals into political offices. Both parents instilled their community service, their advocacy to their four daughters who have continued their parent’s efforts maintaining integrity and strong family values in the community.

Dorothy Olmos commits to high quality educational reforms and a common vision for SBOE that supports:

  • Essential effective student learning through new innovative curriculum
  • Meaningful engagement of parental and community stakeholders
  • Access to resources of vocational and high technology that enhances student achievement
  • Supports school vouchure program for all Texas students

Dorothy is a change agent who will diligently serve on the SBOE for our children’s education and to make Texas schools a choice school system.

We appreciate your vote. You will not be disappointed.

5 thoughts on “SBOE Candidate: Dorothy Olmos

  1. Vouchers. A way to weaken public schools, slip creationism into publicly funded science classrooms and to continue the weakening of the Texas school system that is underway. Dorothy, please rethink that concept, its untenable. Also, the Texas GOp has creationism on its political platform as a core belief. If that is your belief, then you are out of step with most church denominations, all of science, most educators, the Constitution , the Supreme Court and the federal courts. Consider changing political parties so you aren´t grouped with the current crop of SBOE religious radicals promoting ignorance in our schools. Thanks.

    1. Right On! On all points. Fight the good fight. There must be some serious money behind some of these creationist/school voucher candidates. Makes me wonder … what are they really trying to do?? Make sure there is an abundance of cheap labor in the future? Could they really be that evil?

  2. The vouchers looks like a less than promising point. Further, this makes it look like she was the Dorothy Olmos who was previously a candidate for the TX House, and Favored (though not “Strongly Favored”) Intelligent Design — “Present scientific evidence in our public schools supporting intelligent design, and not just evolution, and treat both theories as viable ones on the origin of life”.

    She also strongly favored an abortion ban with life-of-the mother the only exception, and strongly opposed the therapeutic use of embryonic stems cells. Additionally, she strongly favored a Marriage Amendment (opposing gay marriage), but still strongly favored a law protecting against discrimination on sexual orientation.

    Silly Party, though probably not full-blown Very Silly Party.

  3. Rubin. Given the way our Chinese competitors operate, the United States needs a large pool (read that as tens of millions)of people that can be forced to live under slave labor conditions. Why do you think they are trying to get rid of contraception, abortion, minimum wage, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, etc. When the various groups who need these programs are down to their last nickel, 17 cents per hour will seem like good wages. It will also solve the “Negro Problem” they have been trying to rework since 1861.

    Yes, I suspect they really are that evil.

  4. Her bio looks like it was written by a third-grader, and not proofread by the teacher. Or even an intelligent classmate. If Ms. Olmos cannot write a coherent English sentence, of what value is anything she opines on school quality?

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