Most David Barton SBOE Endorsements Flop

David Barton might be a sought-after political speaker and right-wing propaganda artist, but his record in supporting candidates for office hasn’t been very good this year. Barton, who argues that our government and laws should be based on fundamentalist Christian principles, sent out a mass e-mail in February endorsing a slate of five religious-right candidates in Texas State Board of Education races. Following yesterday’s Republican runoff elections, only one of Barton’s preferred state board candidates remains standing. (Check out our recap of the March 2 primary elections for the state board here.) Here are the Barton Five, with the names of losing candidates crossed out:

District 3: Joan Muenzler, R-San Antonio
District 5: Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio
District 9: Don McLeroy, R-College Station
District 10: Brian Russell, R-Austin
District 15: Randy Rives, R-Odessa

If Mercer loses to Democrat Rebecca Bell-Metereau in the November general election, the religious right’s slate will be 0-5 for the year. In addition, Barton heartily endorsed his employee at WallBuilders, Rick Green, in yesterday’s GOP runoff for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court. Green lost.

2 thoughts on “Most David Barton SBOE Endorsements Flop

  1. Whoohoo!! I will be Facebooking Rebecca’s quest far and wide!!!
    Mercer’s almost as stupid as McLeroy.

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