Honeymoon Is Over

Late last week Gov. Perry sent some not-so-subtle signals to the American Family Association (AFA) — his partner in the upcoming prayer-rally “The Response” — that he’s not ready to commit just yet, intimating that he might not be willing to speak at the much-criticized event. Then in another surprise, the governor decided to go on the record over the weekend with his opinion that  the New York law allowing gay marriage is just fine with him, since he’s a big state’s rights supporter:

“Our friends in New York six weeks ago passed a statute that said marriage can be between two people of the same sex. And you know what? That’s New York, and that’s their business, and that’s fine with me. That is their call. If you believe in the 10th Amendment, stay out of their business.”

But isn’t that another slap in the face to his gay-hating buddies at the AFA? Yep.

“Gov. Perry himself is unapologetic in his support for natural marriage. We appreciate that he signed a symbolic measure to protect marriage in the Texas constitution. But perhaps he missed an opportunity here for him to stress the importance of natural marriage and the negative consequences for children when same-sex marriages are legitimized.”

That’s AFA’s director of issue analysis Bryan Fischer in an interview today with the Texas Independent. Fischer went on to reiterate AFA’s call for a federal marriage amendment that would effectively override any decision by individual states in this matter.

I wonder if both parties in this political marriage are starting to have second thoughts.

3 thoughts on “Honeymoon Is Over

  1. Fareed Zakaria said on his GPS show on Sunday, July 24, that the present polarization of the electorate is an unanticipated result of the Post Nixon reforms asking for more transparency of government, and thence forth, committee meetings on the Hill were more open and subject of criticism. This shift in accessibility in conjunction with Pareto’s Law of 80% of results were from 20% of the causes, which when translated to the electorate means that twenty percent of the electorate generate the heat. That includes all sides of any issue.

    As a result, both parties now appeal to their base (True Believers) rather than to compete for the middle ground. That principle may not apply for the General Elections that include the Presidency. Off year elections gather the True Believers, but the Main Event is more open. That is why during the last few Presidential elections showed a convergence of proclamation from both parties. The difference in the last two major elections, the GOP showed convergence towards the election, but after made major divergences back to hard line rhetoric.

    In short, that means that whatever the GOP says in the last month or so of the coming election is smoke and mirrors. It also means that any GOP candidate that wants to get into office has to distance him/herself from the Tea Party.

    If the budget ceiling collapses, there may be a neck tie party for the Tea Party soon.

  2. If the budget ceiling does collapse, the idea of having a neck tie party for the Tea Party won’t be a bad idea, nor would impeaching ALL those who took the oath of their office to representing those considered to be ‘We the People’ who were sent to office, which could include others besides the Tea Party, who have been playing politics while in office, and not taking care of those here at home. Gov Perry received governmental stimulus money, but never used it to make Texas better but chose to keep it and as far as I know, it’s still in his coffer, and interestingly now he’s made a decision to run for President.. In conjuction with this political move, Representative Kevin Brady has recently emailed to many that no Texas job creator is to seek or ask the government for help while attempting to begin a new business that would help the economy. I have two immediate family members still out of work since this economy has gotten bad, with my husband supporting 5 individuals instead of the normal 2, still while this debt ceiling event is going on and Gov Perry is seeking election. Every job proposal Obama proposed was defeated by cheerleader, Mitch McConnell within the House, so I’m not very impressed with the man from Kentucky, and I’m not at all impressed with the representation here in Texas, nor with Gov. Perry’s practice of joining church and state in regards to those with whom he is going to collaborate with ‘to get his campaign going and ‘to pray’ in Houston. It amazes me how long Perry has been the Governor. The three things we all can count on are death, taxes, and change. And this last one is always and will be the hardest to deal with; I can’t wait for 2012 to come.

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