Hitler on the Brain

Is everybody at Texas Eagle Forum obsessed with Adolf Hitler? The far-right group’s former leader (and now Texas Republican Party chair) Cathie Adams infamously compared President Obama to Hitler in September. Now new TEF boss Pat Carlson is referring to Hitler in an e-mail to far-right activists in which she attacks the United Nations and mainstream science on climate change:

“Every arm of the United Nations is designed to bring the world into a one world government through treaties. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is working steadfastly and stealthily under the auspices of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) to this end creating a worldwide youth movement reminiscent of the Hitler youth.”

Carlson goes on to criticize UNICEF’s Children’s Climate Forum in Copenhagen, a week-long event that ended last Friday.

“UNICEF is an evil organization intend on controlling the hearts and minds of our children.”

Good grief. They really need some help.

And just think — Texas Eagle Forum seems to be the farm team for the Texas GOP leadership.

3 thoughts on “Hitler on the Brain

  1. I love that far-right groups are so terrified of Hitler and Nazi-esque actions. Nazis were as far right as one can go, I have always thought there was disconnect between comparing “left-ish” groups with Nazis. As shouldn’t those who are that far right, especially the religious right, see the extreme right wing success, as well as the masterful usage of religion as a model to follow?

  2. “Every arm of the United Nations is designed to bring the world into a one world government through treaties. The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) is working steadfastly and stealthily under the auspices of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCROC) to this end creating a worldwide youth movement reminiscent of the Hitler youth.”

    The Texas Eagle Forum must be manned and womaned by 1960s John Birch Society fruitcakes, as are most of the lead Christian Reconstructionist adherents. Back in the 1960s, I used to do the Trick or Treat for UNICEF gig on Halloween. It was nice to be collecting money for poor and sick children around the world. The world is a pretty big and varietal sort of place, if you think about it.

    Well, after several years of successful and happy trick or treating for UNICEF in my small town, the local John Birch Society got all up in arms about it and brought it to an end. Their claim was: “That money goes to help children in communist nations too!!!” As a teenager back then and as an adult now, my response was:

    “Well. Probably. So what? There are a lot of poor children in places like Albania that might appreciate a little medicine or a crust of brown bread—and would probably like that a whole lot better than a photograph of Karl Marx or his brother Groucho. And what else are you fruitcakes trying to tell me? What about all of the poor and sick kids in noncommunist countries? Are we supposed to quit helping 20 kids in each of these countries just because Harpo Marx happens to be the communist dictator over one sick gypsy kid in Hungary?

    And now these idiots are on this “One World Government” kick!!! A little old lady saunters up: “It’s the prepared throne for the anti-Christ. That nice Mr. Hal Lindsay told me so.” Fru-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u–i-i-t ca-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-kes!!!!!!!!!

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