Demand Your State Rep Vote ‘No’ on This Unnecessary Abortion Restriction

A bill that would ban abortion coverage in private health insurance plans is headed for a vote in the Texas House of Representatives.

FightBackTXHouse Bill 214 by state Rep. John Smithee, R-Amarillo, would block abortion care coverage in private health insurance plans and in plans purchased via the Affordable Care Act exchanges. It is simply wrong for politicians to use private health insurance as a way to inject themselves in medical decisions that should be between a woman and her family and doctors.

Please call your state representative today and tell them to vote “No” on HB 214 when it hits the House floor (see below for helpful talking points when calling your rep).

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When calling your representatives

Our friends at NARAL Pro-Choice Texas and Planned Parenthood Texas Votes created these talking points we encourage you to use when calling your rep:

  • Texas women should be able to make the decisions that are best for their health and for their families without interference from politicians.
  • This bill simply enacts another economic barrier to abortion access, especially for low income Texans.
  • Insurance coverage for abortion is primarily used when an unexpected medical condition occurs or when a woman has been the victim of a crime.

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