Challenge to Speaker Sent a Message: Put the People’s Interests above Special Interests

Challenge to Speaker Sent a Message: Put the People’s Interests above Special Interests

Time to Stop Voucher Backers and Other Special Interests from Controlling the Legislative Agenda

January 9, 2007

Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller issued the following statement on the selection of Tom Craddick for another term as House Speaker.

“The Speaker’s race was really a contest over who should control the House of Representatives the people of Texas or big-dollar special interests like James Leininger. For too long, Speaker Craddick has stood with those special interests who bullied legislators to vote against the mainstream interests of Texas families, especially on private school vouchers. Unfortunately, those special interests still have a friend in the Speaker’s chair.

But this unprecedented challenge to Speaker Craddick sends a clear message. House members are tired of seeing the legislative process manipulated to benefit special interests at the expense of public schools and other things important to Texas families. We’ll see soon enough if the Speaker really got the message.”


The Texas Freedom Network is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of religious and community leaders who advance a mainstream agenda supporting public education, religious freedom and individual liberties.

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