Marriage Amendment an Unnecessary Diversion

Marriage Amendment an Unnecessary Diversion H.J.R. 6 Is an Effort to Distract Voters from Real Problems Facing Texas April 25, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE President Kathy Miller of the Texas Freedom Network released the following statement on today’s vote in the state House to approve H.J.R. 6 by Rep. Warren Chisum, R-Pampa. The measure would […]

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Textbook Bills Open Door to Censorship By SBOE

Textbook Bills Open Door to Censorship By SBOE House Committee to Hear Bill Testimony on Tuesday (April 26) April 25, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEAUSTIN A lawmaker’s comments reported this weekend reveal that the true purpose of legislation before a House committee this week is to permit State Board of Education members to edit textbooks for […]

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H.B. 2479 Returns Texas to Days of Dangerous, Unregulated Faith-Based Programs

H.B. 2479 Returns Texas to Days of Dangerous, Unregulated Faith-Based Programs Committee to Hear Testimony Today on Bill That Gives Governor Sole Discretion over Distribution of Faith-Based Funds April 20, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUSTIN House Bill 2479 by Rep. Dianne Delisi, R-Temple, would create a new government-administered, faith-based program in Texas and return our […]

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House Bill Gives State Board Of Education A Free Hand To Censor Textbooks

House Bill Gives State Board Of Education A Free Hand To Censor Textbooks H.B. 220 Would Restore Authority Stripped from SBOE a Decade Ago April 19, 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE AUSTIN Legislation before the House Public Education Committee today is a gift to State Board of Education (SBOE) members who want to censor textbook content […]

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