House Reaffirms Strong Opposition to Vouchers in Texas with Overwhelming Vote FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 17, 2009 Tonight the Texas House of Representatives voted 122-22 to bar any public funding for private school vouchers in Texas. TFN President Kathy Miller released the following statement: “We saw schemes to drain money from public schools to pay […]
Recent Press Releases
Putting Chains on Stem Cell Research Would Hurt Texas Families and Economy
Putting Chains on Stem Cell Research Would Hurt Texas Families and Economy Texas Freedom Network Statement on Passage of Texas Senate Bill FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 1, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is releasing the following statement on the Texas Senate’s passage tonight of a state budget bill that would restrict embryonic stem […]
TFN President Calls for Passage of Sex Ed Reform Bills
TFN President Calls for Passage of Sex Ed Reform Bills HB 741 and HB 1567 Require Accurate, Responsible Sexuality Education FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 31, 2009 AUSTIN Texas lawmakers have proposed responsible legislation that would bring sweeping and critically needed reforms to the way public schools teach teens about sexuality and health, Texas Freedom Network […]
TFN President: Texas State Board of Education Adopts Flawed Science Standards
TFN President: Texas State Board of Education Adopts Flawed Science Standards FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 27, 2009 The Texas State Board of Education has adopted new public school science standards that publishers will use to craft new science textbooks up for adoption in 2011. TFN President Kathy Miller is releasing the following statement: “The word […]
Parents, Clergy, Scientists Call for Sound Science Standards as Lawmakers Consider Major Reforms for Texas Ed Board
Parents, Clergy, Scientists Call for Sound Science Standards as Lawmakers Consider Major Reforms for Texas Ed Board ‘Culture War’ Battle over Evolution Just the Latest Example of Extremism on SBOE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 19, 2009 With the Texas State Board of Education embroiled in yet another “culture war” battle, thousands of parents, clergy and […]