TFN Statement on Senate Committee Approval of McLeroy’s Nomination as SBOE Chair

TFN Statement on Senate Committee Approval of McLeroy’s Nomination as SBOE Chair FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 20, 2009 The Senate Nominations Committee this afternoon approved the nomination of Don McLeroy, R-College Station, as chairman of the Texas State Board of Education. The Senate now must confirm McLeroy by a two-thirds vote. Texas Freedom Network President […]

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TFN President Strongly Condemns House Rejection of SBOE Sunset Bill Today

TFN President Strongly Condemns House Rejection of SBOE Sunset Bill Today Vote Put Party Loyalty above Interests of Texas Families and Schoolchildren FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 6, 2009 The president of the Texas Freedom Network is strongly condemning the failure of the Texas House today to hold the State Board of Education accountable for flaunting […]

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SBOE-Appointed Social Studies ‘Experts’ Lack Credentials, Denounce Public Education, Support

SBOE-Appointed Social Studies ‘Experts’ Lack Credentials, Denounce Public Education, Support FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 30, 2009 The Texas State Board of Education is set to appoint a social studies curriculum “expert” panel that includes absurdly unqualified ideologues who are hostile to public education and argue that laws and public policies should be based on their narrow […]

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Texas Freedom Network Statement on Passage of Permanent School Fund Measures

Texas Freedom Network Statement on Passage of Permanent School Fund Measures TFN President Hails Passage of HJR 77, HB 2037 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 27, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is releasing the following statement following House passage of HJR 77 and HB 2037, measures that would shift authority over the Permanent School […]

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