Statement from TFN President Kathy Miller on Evolution Poll

Statement from TFN President Kathy Miller on Evolution Poll ‘Strengths and Weaknesses’ Is a Political Gimmick Masquerading as Science FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE February 13, 2009 Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller is issuing the following statement regarding yesterday’s release of a public opinion poll about teaching evolution. The Free Market Foundation Texas affiliate for the […]

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SBOE Vote Against ‘Strengths and Weaknesses’ Language Represents Major Victory for Science Education

SBOE Vote Against ‘Strengths and Weaknesses’ Language Represents Major Victory for Science Education Board Still Needs to Clean Up Creationist Language Remaining in Draft Standards FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 23, 2009 The Texas State Board of Education today gave preliminary approval to draft public school science standards that do not include sweeping, scientifically unsound language […]

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SBOE Chair Should Remove Dunbar from Instruction Committee

SBOE Chair Should Remove Dunbar from Instruction Committee Board Member’s New Book Attacks Public Education as a ‘Tool of Perversion,’ ‘Unconstitutional’ and ‘Tyrannical’ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 4, 2008 The State Board of Education’s chairman should remove Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, from the panel’s Committee on Instruction following the publication of a new book in which […]

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TFN Joins Academic, Business, Faith Leaders in Calling on SBOE to Reject Renewed Attacks on Evolution in Science Standards

TFN Joins Academic, Business, Faith Leaders in Calling on SBOE to Reject Renewed Attacks on Evolution in Science Standards Heavily Revised Standards Draft Includes New Language Undermining Evolution AUSTIN – Texas Freedom Network President Kathy Miller joined business, academic and faith leaders on Wednesday in criticizing new draft science curriculum standards that would undermine teaching […]

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Survey of Texas University Faculty: Overwhelming Opposition to Watering Down Evolution in School Science Curriculum

Survey of Texas University Faculty: Overwhelming Opposition to Watering Down Evolution in School Science Curriculum Statewide Survey Dispels Myth about ‘Controversy’ in Science Community, Reveals Deep Concerns about Student Preparation for College and Future Jobs AUSTIN – A first-time statewide survey shows that science faculty at public and private universities in Texas soundly reject arguments […]

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