Today Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick took a big step forward in his obsession with passing a bill targeting LGBT Texans for discrimination. The lieutenant governor rushed through committee — with virtually no notice or public hearing — passage of SB1978. We just sent out the following press release. […]
Recent Press Releases
Senate-Passed Bill Would Force Texas Women to Carry Nonviable Pregnancy to Term
Just how extreme has the Texas Senate become under Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick? The chamber just passed a bill forcing women to carry to term a fetus suffering such a severe anomaly that it cannot survive. And the bill’s author claimed he was just closing a ‘loophole’ in the law. Another cruel lie. Another anti-abortion law. We […]
House Committee Hearing Today Offers Stark Contrast Between Those Who Want to Use Religion to Discriminate and Those Who Support Equality
Our fight to stop the legislative onslaught on LGBTQ Texans moved to the state House today. TFN helped organize a Capitol press conference calling on legislators to reject a new package of discrimination bills. Check out our press release. […]
Senate Bill 9 Is An Attempt to Intimidate Voters, Keep Turnout Low in Texas
The Texas Senate gave preliminary approval today to SB9, a voter suppression bill designed to keep turnout low in Texas. We just sent out the following press release. […]
Setting the Record Straight on Chairman Leach’s Anti-abortion Extremism
State Rep. Jeff Leach has brought up one inflammatory anti-abortion bill after another as chair of the Texas House Judiciary and Civil Jurisprudence Committee this session. This past week’s hearing drew testimony from hundreds anti-abortion extremists, many celebrating the possibility of executing a woman who ends her pregnancy early for any reason. Enough is enough. Today we joined with partner organizations […]