Texas Rising Action Releases Statement on Failure of Prop. A

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 2, 2021 AUSTIN, Texas — Texas Rising Action, the youth organizing arm of the Texas Freedom Network, today congratulated Austin voters for seeing right through the Republican-front group Save Austin Now and rejecting Austin’s Proposition A at the ballot box. Texas Rising Action Senior Director Rae Martinez released the following statement: […]

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Texas Freedom Network and Abortion Access Coalition Head to DC, Join House Oversight Committee to Demand Federal Intervention

For Immediate ReleaseSept. 21, 2021 This week, Texas Freedom Network and its project Just Texas will be joining a delegation from the Trust Respect Access (TRA) coalition, the largest coalition of reproductive health, rights, and justice organizations in Texas, will travel to Washington, DC to advocate for federal intervention to protect abortion rights.  The trip […]

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