How the Religious Right Corrupts Christianity

As we’ve said before, the religious right isn’t really a religious movement. It’s a political movement that uses religion as a weapon to divide Americans and push an agenda. And that agenda often promotes a peculiar version of political Christianity. So we weren’t surprised this week to see a fundraising letter from a California-based group called The Center […]

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Thanks for signing the pledge.

Your pledge to support abortion access and the Texans who depend on reproductive health services is invaluable. You’re now part of our movement – Texas Rising. This is the first step on the path to making our generation one of the strongest groups in the state, and we’re excited to have you join us. We’ll keep […]

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Summer Institute registration

Registration for the 2015 Texas Rising Summer Institute is now closed. Questions or comments can be emailed to [email protected]. The 2015 Texas Rising Summer Institute will take place in Austin from Thursday, July 30th – Sunday, August 2nd. As our movement grows, so does our need for strategic and high capacity leadership. The 2015 Texas Rising […]

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Texas GOPer’s Rant Against ‘Homosexual Marriages’

We bet Steven Hotze, president of Conservative Republicans of Texas, nearly burst a blood vessel last week while writing his email rant attacking the freedom to marry for gay and lesbian couples. The long screed to his email list calls on readers to contact Texas legislators in support of HB 4105 by state Rep. Cecil Bell, R-Magnolia. (It […]

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