Does Government Own Women’s Bodies?

With the 85th Texas Legislature set to convene in Austin on Jan. 10, we’re already seeing proposed bills that would make it even harder for women to access abortion and other reproductive health care services in the state. Politicians in Texas and elsewhere simply refuse to trust women to make decisions about whether and when to have children. […]

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2016 in Quotes: Potluck Nuttery

Today we end our annual review of the outrageous and offensive things we heard from the right over the past year. As usual, we end with a mix of potluck nuttery from the right. You can check out previous posts from the Year in Quotes here. […]

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2016 in Quotes: The War on Science

As we near the end of our review of the outrageous and offensive things we heard from the right in 2016, let’s turn to a perennial target of right-wingers: science. You can check out previous posts from the Year in Quotes here. […]

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