Compared to two years ago, it appears that voucher sugardaddy James Leininger has pulled back a bit (so far) in his donations to candidates for state office. Leininger is the state’s biggest financial supporter of private school voucher schemes. (You can read more about Leininger in a 2006 Texas Freedom Network Education Fund report on […]
Recent Blogs
From Bibles to Biology
We’ve been writing a lot about the Bible course guidelines recently adopted by the State Board of Education. But another pressing matter before the board — and one that we should be equally worried about — is what Texas students will learn about evolution in their science classes. Creationists have long tried to include creationism or […]
Bible Blogging
The State Board of Education’s decision last week to adopt vague, very general guidelines for Texas public school Bible classes is sparking heated debate on the Web. Prominent science blogger Ed Brayton writes about far-right supporters of the state board’s irresponsible vote who are distorting the debate — and the facts. […]
The Bible in the News: It Isn’t Going Away
Hope you aren’t tired of reading stories about Bibles in schools yet — there are likely many more to come. In today’s and yesterday’s TFN News Clips alone, we found six stories about public school Bible courses but only ran five and an editorial cartoon. And you can, as the Austin American-Statesman wrote in an editorial […]
Clergy Campaign Promotes Marriage Equality
With the general election just months away, religious-right groups are once again pushing statewide ballot measures that would bar same-sex marriage and even civil unions. California, where the state Supreme Court earlier this year opened marriage to same-sex couples, is one of the biggest battlegrounds in the nation. In response to the far right’s renewed assault on […]