Postcards from Alaska

The Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute has failed to persuade an Alaska judge to block a legislative investigation into possible abuses of power by Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president. On Thursday Alaska Superior Court Judge Peter Michalski basically told Liberty Legal and its clients, five GOP state lawmakers, to take a hike: […]

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Help TFN Celebrate 13 Years Fighting for Mainstream Texas!

  Come help the Texas Freedom Network celebrate 13 years of working for mainstream values like religious freedom, individual liberties and strong public schools. TFN’s 13th Anniversary Gala kicks off at 7:30 this Saturday (October 4) at La Zona Rosa in downtown Austin. In addition to Austin’s best silent auction and delicious food, you can […]

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Scientists Join with Teachers in Evolution Battle

On Tuesday a remarkable coalition of scientists from Texas colleges, university and private industry announced their support for new public school science standards that would provide a 21st-century education for Texas students. Media coverage of the 21st-Century Science Coalition press conference at the Texas Education Agency in Austin was heavy. The press conference came the […]

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Moving Forward on Curriculum Standards

At yesterday’s State Board of Education meeting, the schedule for revising public school science curriculum standards became clearer. As we reported last week, work groups made up of teachers and academics have proposed new standards that call for teaching students sound science on evolution. The anti-science faction that controls the state board, however, wants public […]

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While elsewhere…

Saturday afternoon, a Chinese astronaut orbiting Earth made his nation’s first spacewalk. Chinese stopped to watch television screens broadcast this new leap forward in their nation’s scientific advancement. A report two years ago revealed that, while China (as Education Week reported) “suffers from a large disparity between the quality of education in relatively advanced urban […]

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