Religious Liberty and Same-Sex Marriage

In the wake of the passage of a California constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage in that state, the Texas Faith blog from the Dallas Morning News tossed out this question to its group of panelists: Is a compromise between religious liberty and gay civil rights regarding marriage possible – and if not, which of the […]

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Feel the Hate

Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond, isn’t the only elected official who believes President-elect Barack Obama is a Marxist. A Republican congressman from Georgia, Paul Broun, apparently agrees that, by golly, he just might be a commie. He says a general proposal Sen. Obama made during the campaign to create a civilian force for […]

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Come on Baby, Light My Fire

The firestorm over Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar’s vicious Internet rant against President-elect Barack Obama is growing. Blogs ranging from Daily Kos to the Texas Observer and points in between are calling out Dunbar’s venomous charge (among others) that Obama is a traitor who “truly sympathizes” with enemies out to destroy America. Dunbar […]

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Scared about Sex

The New Yorker magazine has published a fascinating piece that asks why so many evangelical teen-agers become pregnant. The piece by Margaret Talbot examines differing attitudes among evangelicals and others about sex education and related issues. The article also quotes from a Christian author who questions the prominent use of fear and shaming in abstinence-only […]

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More Extremism from Cynthia Dunbar

Texas State Board of Education member Cynthia Dunbar’s online essay last weekend accusing (now) President-elect Barack Obama of sympathizing with terrorists apparently wasn’t her first trip down the extremism highway. Fort Worth Star-Telegram columnist Linda Campbell today noted that another online essay by the Richmond Republican in September was even more extreme. In her earlier essay, […]

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