Creationists with a Political Thesaurus

When listening to the claims of creationists on the Texas State Board of Education, a political thesaurus would be helpful. The board’s far-right bloc has asked the people of Texas to have a little faith. Its members are not, they claim, interested in having public school science classes teach students about creationism, “intelligent design” or any other […]

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The Freedom to Dumb Down Science Education

At the Texas State Board of Education‘s science curriculum hearing on November 19, creationist board members repeatedly claimed that forcing phony arguments against evolution into public school science classrooms is simply a matter of “academic freedom.” They were really falling back on another version of the tired (and very disingenuous) “teach the controversy” and “it’s […]

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‘It’s Time for Education to Evolve’

That’s the headline for a compelling column from the Houston Chronicle’s Lisa Falkenberg yesterday. Falkenberg clearly lays out the threats to our children’s education and to the state’s economy posed by the creationist faction that controls the Texas State Board of Education. Falkenberg explains how far-right board members are politicizing education by trying to “inject […]

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Hearing What They Want to Hear

Opponents of evolution have reacted with shock and alarm to the release of TFN’s survey of Texas science faculty last week. This is not, in itself, terribly surprising, since the first-of-its-kind survey exploded many of the myths perpetuated by evolution-deniers. Indeed, its definitive rejection of any hint of a “controversy” in the academic community over evolution […]

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Public Charter School or Public Christian School?

Creationists who control the Texas State Board of Education aren’t focused just on pushing religion-based arguments in public school science classes. On Friday they voted to allow a Christian school to convert into a publicly funded charter school. The full board voted unanimously to grant charters to six schools. The board’s seven creationist Republicans and […]

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