Focus on the Family’s Texas affiliate, Free Market Foundation, just sent out an end-of-year fundraising e-mail. (“Giving Liberals a lump of coal and Texas a future!” Groan.) Once again, the pi0us folks at Free Market show they apparently have a problem remembering that lying is a sin. (Maybe there’s some special dispensation if political fundraising […]
Recent Blogs
Will the SBOE Get Called into the Principal’s Office?
It appears that Texas lawmakers are beginning to look at ways to rein in an out-of-control State Board of Education. Today state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, pre-filed a bill for the coming legislative session that would make state board elections nonpartisan. Recent controversies make clear the need to take ideology and partisanship out of races for […]
Religion and Evolution
Creationsists on the Texas State Board of Education have been tying themselves in knots trying to persuade folks that their attacks on evolution in the public school science curriculum have nothing to do with their religious beliefs. So we thought it would be good to review some of board chairman Don McLeroy’s own words. In […]
Nazis, Evolution and Freedom! Oh, My!
Is it possible for the radicals who control the Texas State Board of Education at least to try making an honest argument for dumbing down the state’s public school science curriculum? It sure looks doubtful. Yesterday, board member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, trotted out once again the all-too-familiar, tired and insulting talking points creationists are […]
A Nondenial Denial
Or something like that. An intrepid blogger has asked Texas State Board of Education Chairman Don McLeroy about the Bryan dentist’s statement that he didn’t know of a fellow board member who has ever advocated teaching creationism/”intelligent design” in science classrooms. As TFN Insider has pointed out, McLeroy and fellow creationists on the board have done precisely […]