Sex and Ignorance: Putting Kids at Risk

With evidence mounting that abstinence-only programs are terribly ineffective, we’re now seeing that simplistic approaches like “virginity pledges” also fail the test of reality when it comes to teens and sex. Teens who take virginity pledges are just as likely to have sex as teens who don’t make such promises — and they’re less likely […]

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Sound Science Gains in Texas Education Battle

We have very good news to report about the revision of the Texas public school science curriculum standards. Writing teams made up of teachers and academics have proposed final drafts of new standards that would curb efforts by evolution deniers to dumb down science education in the state’s public schools. The final drafts for all […]

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The SBOE’s ‘Hall of Shame’

In the Texas Freedom Network’s nearly 14 years of existence, we have seen plenty of nonsense come out of the Texas State Board of Education. Board members have attacked health textbooks for including even basic information on contraception and photographs of women in professional careers (rather than sufficiently promoting stay-at-home moms as the ideal). They […]

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Special Dispensation for Lying?

Focus on the Family’s Texas affiliate, Free Market Foundation, just sent out an end-of-year fundraising e-mail. (“Giving Liberals a lump of coal and Texas a future!” Groan.) Once again, the pi0us folks at Free Market show they apparently have a problem remembering that lying is a sin. (Maybe there’s some special dispensation if political fundraising […]

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Will the SBOE Get Called into the Principal’s Office?

It appears that Texas lawmakers are beginning to look at ways to rein in an out-of-control State Board of Education. Today state Rep. Donna Howard, D-Austin, pre-filed a bill for the coming legislative session that would make state board elections nonpartisan. Recent controversies make clear the need to take ideology and partisanship out of races for […]

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