TFN Lobby Day Boosts Science at the Capitol

Supporters of sound science education and stem cell research had a big presence at the Texas Capitol on Tuesday. More than 200 activists registered for Texas Freedom Network ‘s Lobby Day, which included training sessions on supporting stem cell research, responsible sexuality education and sound science education in public schools. Nearly two dozen teams of […]

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TFN Goes to the Capitol

Had enough yet? Had enough of politicians and far-right pressure groups trying to undermine science education in our public schools, hold back important medical research into stem cells, and keep young people ignorant about how to protect themselves from pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases? Well, things won’t change unless you and other mainstream Texans take a […]

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Don McLeroy, Faith, and Science

The Austin American-Statesman has a long profile of Texas State Board of Education chairman Don McLeroy today. The College Station dentist explains his opposition to evolution and his insistence that students learn there are “weaknesses” to this core scientific concept. On the other side of the debate are prominent scientists, such as David Hillis of […]

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A First Step Toward Reining in the SBOE

We have just seen the first legislative vote aimed at reining in the Texas State Board of Education. Yesteday the Texas House Public Education Committee unanimously passed House Bill 772, which would require that state board meetings be streamed live over the Internet in video and audio. We released the following statement from Texas Freedom Network […]

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Ignorance Breeds Ignorance on Sex Ed

It’s bad enough that Texas is failing teens by promoting ignorance about responsible pregnancy and disease prevention in sexuality education classes. But is it really too much to ask that public policy-makers and assorted pressure groups not wallow in ignorance as well? Our new report on sexuality education reveals that more than nine in 10 public school districts in […]

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