Politicizing the Bible

This can’t possibly be a surprise to anyone, right? The far right has spent decades using religion as a political weapon to divide Americans. But now the folks behind the Conservative Bible Project want to censor and rewrite the Bible to align scripture more closely with their fringe ideology. We’re not making this up. “Liberal bias […]

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Please Get David Barton a Real History Book

How did we miss this gem? Buried on page 62 of phony history “expert” David Barton’s 87-page review of the social studies draft curriculum standards is a short section calling for the following revision to the eighth-grade American History requirements: (C) analyze reasons for and the impact of selected examples of civil disobedience in U.S. history […]

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Growing Concern over Texas SBOE Ethics

A major story and two scathing editorials in the last few days show that concerns over possible financial shenanigans and vote-trading on the Texas State Board of Education are growing. We told you last week about ethics concerns (see here and here) surrounding the state board’s management of the Permanent School Fund. Today the San […]

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Experts Ain’t What They Used to Be

Question: What do you do if you are appointed to a position — say, to an expert curriculum review panel — for which you have no relevant credentials or qualifications? Answer: Make up some fancy-sounding credentials. That appears to be what State Board of Education-appointed “expert” David Barton has done. As readers of TFN Insider […]

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Cathie Adams As New Texas GOP Chair?

Could the Republican Party of Texas move even farther to the extreme right? We’ll find out soon enough, apparently. Austin-based Quorum Report says Texas Eagle Forum leader Cathie Adams, who gives the word “extremist” new meaning, has thrown her hat in the ring to succeed outgoing Texas GOP chair Tina Benkiser. (Benkiser recently stepped down […]

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