
It appears that the Texas State Board of Education‘s social conservatives and their supporters have embarked on a new campaign of blanket smears against almost everyone involved in the revision of social studies curriculum standards. And the attacks increasingly sound almost like unhinged rants. This week state board member Ken Mercer, R-San Antonio, and Bill […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “The noose has tightened around the necks of Christians to keep them from speaking out on certain moral issues. And it all was embodied in something called the Hate crimes bill that President Obama said was a major victory for America. I’m not sure if America was the beneficiary. … […]

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Bradley’s Charter School Scheme

Well, this is an odd twist. David Bradley — a supposed champion of the wisdom of free markets — thinks the Texas State Board of Education will do a better job than the private sector in deciding whether it’s too risky to invest in charter schools. (Of course, some board members also think they know more […]

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TFN Insider Comments Policy

The 2010 primary elections are in March, and candidates are lining up in a number of races. So we wanted to post this reminder on our comments policy: Because of TFN’s nonprofit, tax-exempt status, TFN Insider posts and comments cannot endorse or oppose particular candidates for election. There is no restriction against discussing the relative […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “[M]ost of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches. I do not buy candy during the Halloween season. Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from […]

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