Bigotry and Politics in Houston

With Houston’s Dec. 12 mayoral runoff election just a little over a week away, the far-right Houston Area Pastor Council is intensifying its vicious anti-gay campaign against one of the candidates. The group’s leader, Dave Welch, has joined with other religious-righters in a coordinated attack on mayoral candidate Annise Parker — currently the city’s controller — because […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “We promote respect for God and all His creations; family unity; limited government; private property; free enterprise and the rule of righteous law.” — The Do Right Foundation’s mission statement. The foundation has financially supported a number of white supremacist groups and familiar far-right organizations such as the American Family Association […]

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Please Support TFN’s Work for a Better Texas

As 2009 draws to a close, we have been reflecting on what has been a very busy year for the Texas Freedom Network. In February, for example, we made national news with the release of our groundbreaking report on the shocking failure of Texas to provide responsible sex education in our public schools. We made important progress […]

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Talking Points

From today’s TFN News Clips: “I do absolutely notice that some of the conservative Christians who are members of Congress . . . it seems like the leftist media treats them a little bit different.” — Former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, in an interview promoting her new book. Stay informed with TFN News Clips, a daily digest of […]

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‘War on Christmas’ Watch

Drive down almost any street in America and you can see it’s that time of year again. Christmas trees strapped to cars or in the back of pickup trucks headed home. Glittering string-lights stretched across eaves and wrapped around shrubs. Colorful holiday displays in front yards. Church signs with messages of peace and the holy birth. […]

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