How Far to the Right Is the Tea Party?

As we have suggested in numerous posts about the Tea Party movement, hardcore Tea Partiers in Texas appear increasingly linked to the religious right. A new survey from the University of Washington’s Institute for the Study of Ethnicity, Race & Sexuality also shows that hardcore Tea Partiers in Washington state — identified in the survey […]

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Check Out TFN’s New Website!

If you haven’t had a chance yet, mosey on over to the Texas Freedom Network’s new website. We’ll be making tweaks over the next few weeks, but we hope you find the new site more visually appealing and easier to navigate. Please let us know what you think. […]

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Voucher Lobby: Still Misleading Texans

Empower Texans (ET), a relatively new and aggressive pro-vouchers group, is continuing the far right’s campaign to undermine confidence in Texas public schools. In May, ET president Michael Quinn Sullivan made statements focused on school spending and the ratio of teachers to non-teachers that are, at best, deliberately misleading. Example: Sullivan noted that there are […]

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Bringing Progressive People of Faith Together

Note from TFN: We’re happy to post this guest piece from Tim Palmer, director of communications and outreach for the Religious Institute. That Connecticut-based, multifaith organization is dedicated to advocating for sexual health, education and justice in faith communities and society. Tim is introducing us to a new project for progressive people of faith. Like […]

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Dishonesty about Sex Education

Community Impact News has asked Republican incumbent Ken Mercer, Democrat Rebecca Bell-Metereau and Libertarian Mark Loewe about issues important in their District 5 State Board of Education race. District 5 covers and expansive area, including parts of San Antonio, Austin and the Hill Country and even extending all the way up to Bell County. Check […]

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