More on the Foundation for Thought and Ethics

Yesterday, TFN broke the news that a creationist organization had formally notified the State Board of Education of its intention to submit materials for the upcoming science adoption. And not just any creationist organization — the Foundation for Thought and Ethics (FTE) is the publisher of the infamous textbook Of Pandas and People that landed […]

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Of Pandas and Texas

Breaking news from today’s State Board of Education meeting. The long and short of it — the war on science is officially back on in Texas. See TFN’s press statement for the basics. And watch TFN Insider for more in the days to come. CREATIONIST GROUP PUSHES ANTI-EVOLUTION MATERIALS IN TEXAS SCIENCE CLASSES Texas SBOE […]

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As we expected, today’s Texas State Board of Education meeting provided at least some clues about whether the new board is likely to refocus its work on education instead of politics. Some clues were clearer others. On the positive side was the election of two moderates as board officers: Bob Craig, R-Lubbock, as vice chair and […]

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Important Texas Ed Board Meeting Today

The Texas State Board of Education‘s first meeting of 2011 begins at 1 p.m. this afternoon in Austin with five new board members. Two members of the board’s far-right faction over the past four years — Don McLeroy, R-College Station, and Cynthia Dunbar, R-Richmond — are not returning to the board. On the board’s agenda […]

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Christian Coalition/Republican Party?

The Christian Coalition of American sent out an e-mail blast today demanding that Congress repeal last year’s landmark health care reform bill. The e-mail decries the “government takeover of our nation’s health care system” and includes a list of claims about the terrible things the bill would do: fund abortions, limit doctor choice, cause health […]

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