The Constitution vs. the Bible?

A March 4 e-mail from the Houston Area Pastor Council demonstrates the religious right’s insistence that our nation’s laws be based on narrow religious beliefs. The e-mail features an essay by a pastor who argues that President Obama is guilty of pitting “the Constitution against the bible on a matter of fundamental human morality.” […]

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Send Rick Perry a Birthday Message

Right-wing groups are directing folks today to a special web page to wish Texas Gov. Rick Perry a Happy Birthday. But you can also send him this important message: Withdraw your appointment of Gail Lowe as chairwoman of the State Board of Education and appoint a new chair who will finally put the education of […]

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Primer: ‘Self-Replicating Life’

This is Part IV in a series of four posts in which TFN Insider had university scientists analyze problematic changes the State Board of Education made to science curriculum standards for Texas public schools in 2009. This year publishers will submit — and the state board will approve or reject — instructional materials based on […]

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Jesus Wept

Talking Points Memo reports on what far-right demonstrators did when they saw a Muslim man praying in front of the White House today. [youtube=] […]

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Gail Lowe’s Leadership Questioned

In a piece that appeared in today’s San Antonio Express-News, columnist Veronica Flores-Paniagua brings up some points about State Board of Education (SBOE) Chairwoman Gail Lowe’s leadership — or, rather, lack thereof — that may not have gotten as much attention as the larger fight over the controversial social studies adoption process of last year. […]

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