Here they go again — another effort to drag churches into partisan politics. This fall Vision America, a religious-right group based in Texas, is sponsoring “40 Days to Save America” — which calls on Americans to pray, fast and repent for “our national and and personal sins against the God of Heaven.” Rick Scarborough, Vision […]
Recent Blogs
Pot, Meet the Kettle
Cathie Adams, president of the right-wing Texas Eagle Forum, is upset about a website attacking her favorite candidate in this year’s campaign in Texas for the U.S. Senate. Responding to a post about the anti-Ted Cruz website (created by Cruz opponent Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst’s campaign), Adams tweeted: That is a SICK website. I […]
The Week in Quotes (April 29 – May 5)
Here are some of the week’s most notable quotes culled from news reports from across Texas, and beyond. […]
Caving to the Demands of Religious Extremists
Their failure to dictate which candidate will be the Republican Party’s presidential nominee this year doesn’t mean that religious-right leaders and activists aren’t shaping this year’s campaign. Just this week, for example, intense pressure from religious-right groups essentially forced openly gay political strategist Richard Grenell to resign from Mitt Romney’s campaign staff. A Republican adviser […]
Texas Ed Board Candidate Doubles Down on ‘Pilgrims Were Communists’ Claim
Gail Spurlock, a Republican candidate for the District 12 seat on the Texas State Board of Education, has written a “clarification” of her contention that the Pilgrims nearly destroyed their colony and themselves because they practiced communism. In an email being circulated today by supporter Donna “Jeffrey Dahmer Believed in Evolution” Garner, Spurlock suggests that […]