Romney Pushes Private School Voucher Scheme

Texas legislators in 2007 and 2009 delivered huge defeats to backers of voucher schemes that would drain hundreds of millions of dollars from neighborhood public schools to subsidize tuition at private and religious schools. Those defeats came after the state’s voters punished pro-voucher legislators at the polls in 2006. Now Mitt Romney, the likely Republican […]

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Cynthia Dunbar: Legislators Can’t Make Laws ‘Contrary to What God Has Said’

Former Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) member Cynthia Dunbar still seems determined to destroy the most important protection for religious freedom in America: the First Amendment. As a member of the Texas SBOE in 2010, Dunbar lead successful opposition to requiring that public school students in social studies classrooms learn how the First Amendment […]

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David Barton Misleads Again

Our friends at Right Wing Watch found this video clip of David Barton — the history revisionist who heads Texas-based WallBuilders — claiming that passages of the Constitution come “verbatim” from the Bible. In this case, Barton claims that the Constitution’s language on treason comes “verbatim” out of Ezekiel 18:20. From Right Wing Watch: Here […]

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1 Million Views for TFN Insider

We’re happy to say that Friday evening TFN Insider passed a significant milestone: 1 million views since its launch in July 2008. We’re averaging more than a quarter-million views each year — not Huff Post levels, to be sure, but not bad for a blog focused on fighting the radical right in Texas. Clearly, there’s […]

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